About Me

My coaching is guided by two main principles; meeting the client where they are today, and leading them to their desired results with science-based protocols around nutrition, fitness and overall wellness.

Getting healthy takes more than just what you eat and how you workout. The human body is the most complex system we know, and understanding how to apply evidence-based methods is the quickest and most efficient way to achieve your goals. My clients come to me because they want to not only reach their goals, but maintain their health for a lifetime.

My Health & Fat Loss Journey



Hi, I’m Eddy Rosell. Now in my 40’s, I feel better than ever, but that wasn't always the case. When I was 19 years old (left picture), I was tired, unhappy and weighed in at over 295 lbs. I needed to make a change, but where would I start? I started learning everything I could about health and nutrition. As a science nerd working on my bachelor's degree in Biochemistry at the time, I enjoyed learning the science behind health and fitness. What foods should I eat and what foods should I avoid? What workouts were the most effective for losing weight and getting strong? What else mattered? Sleep? Stress? Hormones?

Through endless trial and error, I ended up losing over 125 lbs. and changing my life. Everything got better. My relationships, my performance in school, my energy and my overall outlook in life.

Today, I wonder how many others are out there that need help in navigating all of the information available today, both good and bad.

America is getting fatter and unhealthier every year. I’m doing my part to reverse that.

My personal mission is to help others navigate their health journey in a way that leads to LONG-TERM and SUSTAINABLE results. Whether it's losing some body fat, getting stronger or improving overall health, I've been through it myself and can help you find your health again.

So, join me, and let's finally get you to your HEALTHIER, STRONGER self.